Garden nametags from long ago…

While working on some website updates, I came across this photo/post that never got published! This grey cat is a good 8 years older now, and I think that rug was retired a while back, but many of those labels are still in use over here…. AND this is a good reminder to start some onion seeds this weekend!


Yup. I have been missing in action……..

Have I painted in past year?   Yes.
Have I made new lino prints in the past year?   Yes.
Have I played with metal in the past year?   Yes.
Have I turned on the kiln in the past year?   No.
Have I done new multimedia work in the past year?   Yes.
Have I worked on my vector graphic skills in the past year?   Yes.
Have I built things out of wood in the past year?   Yes.

Have I posted any of those on here in the past year?    NOPE.   What the heck !