Renee’s tile
Basement Bar Ceiling Transition
And finally….. here’s the main transition from a flourescent bar with a white ceiling…… to a recessed light, painted ceiling!
At this point the lights are fully enclosed with the ceiling tile & only 3 panels remain unpainted. Up close individual ceiling tile shots to follow over the course of the next week or so.
February window, continued
Tuesday night (since mardi gras festivities were cancelled due to a host who was feeling under the weather) I got *this* far:
Two (of five) colors are cut.
Now, however, I’m reconsidering going entirely clear…. there are parts here that I think might be pretty nice to put in color…. maybe…. good thing I won’t have time to work on this until Sunday. That should be enough time to let the color ideas swirl around into a decision.
the beginning of the window….
Sunday I picked up my long-lost sketchbook and picked out one of my favorite designs for the window…. Monday I got this far:
Created 2 copies of a life-size drawing of the window & picked out glass:
Originally I was going to cut one of the drawings apart to use as a template but I realized that since this window is going to be a combination of many different kinds of clear glass, I can just put the glass on top of the pattern and trace it right on the glass. Yay! Several steps easier!
Note: the bar in my basement is extremely comfortable for this. The height is a very nice working height. I may move future art nights downstairs – especially while it’s still dark and cold and wintry outside.
In the pipeline for February….
– photograph the ceiling tile mural & post that on here. This also includes tracking down the 3 people who’ve not yet painted their promised paintings… consider yourselves warned
– re-wire the large kiln in my basement
– decide on a 23.5″ x 15.5″ design for a stained glass window
– create the window!
– rehabilitate many pounds of clay & many jars of neglected glazes
– decide whether or not to participate in:
—> the 3rd (4th?) annual Earth Day Celebration the ReStore in April
—> the Recycle/Reuse Art Auction
—> the silent auction @ work
In roughly that order. I also have some ideas incorporating Latvian designs in to light switches, making a second window if the first one turns out well enough, and once D & I coordinate our schedules, there will be a 3.5′ x 7.5′ painting thrown in that list, too … though at the moment this is still in the “brand new canvas needs prep” stage so no promises on pictures.
More light switches….
Note to self….. investigate better photography practices, hints, tips-n-tricks….. maybe create my own photography space for taking slides & photographs for my portfolio. The word for this escapes me at the moment, but I’ve seen it done with various things ranging from a modified shower curtain enclosing a space where you can consistently control light, diffusion & reflections to doing this inside of a plastic many-gallon tupperware container (which diffuses the light)…. great. i needed another project :/