On black paper:
On white paper (and in a different order. doh!):
a work in progress….
On black paper:
On white paper (and in a different order. doh!):
From this:
Comes this:
and this:
look at what came in the mail yesterday:
….now let the printing adventures begin!
Stripes are the new “thing” in my house – you will see many stripes in my next few posts. These are really easy to do – I cut two striped images in less time than it took to listen to an entire Apoptygma Beserk album after staying up all night supporting my customer during some server upgrade-y stuff over the weekend:
Why don’t you get to see both images right now? Because I want to strech out my posting in case I don’t get back to more art projects in the near future Also – I’m kind of “cheating” — this is just the linoleum-composite block to print from – not actually a finished product. I’m out of the ink & paper that I want to use to print these with.
I designed a T-shirt for some friends this weekend, but I’m not sure if I can post the image until after they’ve used it for their event…. you might just have to wait until the end of April to see it.
Edited to add: