Do you see the boy with dreads?
Notebook Doodle #4
Notebook Doodle #3
Notebook Doodle #2
Notebook Doodle #1
David asked what the critter is called…. officially her name is “Pindzele” which means paintbrush in Latvian. Yesterday, however, her name was @#!(*&!!! which also translates as “no! no! no! no! NOOOO!”
we had some issues.
oh, the joys of having a kitten.
New project = BOAT!
For the plant lovers who watch this blog, check out the progression of the amazingly huge rose bush by my garage…. it’s very nearly taller than the garage these days. amazing!
At the bottom of these images is my new summer project = refinishing a boat!
new boat = fun stuff coming up later this summer!
once i re-learn how to sail, anyway…..