June Mushroom

I forgot I took a picture of this mushroom (at work) shortly after all of the flooding last month….

Family dynamics

A case of staring at squiggles and seeing what comes out…. I started from this watercolor:

and found this in there:

Can you see it, too?

Blueberries as big as your head!

Or at least as big as a quarter….

I restrained myself and only picked a little more than 11 pounds of blueberries on my trip this weekend…. if I’m being hoenst with you, I would have picked more if only the blueberry place had been open on my way back home on Sunday….. so Sunday I picked a pint of raspberries instead (from the back yard of a car mechanic near K-zoo – he was the cheerfullest dude I saw all day). The raspberries were pretty normal. No picture needed 😉

June intentions

should I be keeping a list of what last month’s goals were so I can see what my progress was? Hmmm…..

June intentions:
– finish up 2 print exchanges
– consider participating in a photograph exchange
– finish installing the new side screen door
– mat and/or frame a bunch of stuff
– begin a woodworking project (a table!)
– paint the 3.5’x7.5′ paintings at D’s (or at least *start* them)
– re-do the patio furniture
– re-wire kiln
– track down one last ceiling tile painter…. who happens to be my roommate!
– post photos of those last few tiles
– rehab clay & glazes
– create the window!
— grind down the edges
— wash & dry all pieces
— wrap with copper foil
— burnish the copper foil
— solder the window
— ?patina?
— install the window
– play with hot glass

…..ummm this was definitely too long for this month…. yikes.

To appease my aunt….

Have some hastily cropped pictures of the newest fambly member….

I can’t tell you how many pictures of this critter were ones of her walking away from me. It’s very hard to capture front views or facial expressions because this critter does not sit still. ever.