Blogging by mail!!!

SO, a full week after this package arrived… I am getting around to posting it. Apologies for the delay….

Last week Tuesday I came home to find a package from Amelia on my doorstep! Check it out:

There’s everything a girl might want in this box (^_^) food, tools, and things to make me pretty!

In all we have here: two different kinds of dark chocolate (one with ginger and one with sea salt), some tasty looking canned goods (chow-chow, pear preserves, and a jar of green pepper jelly — this green pepper jelly is the one I’m currently most curious about…. what do I do with it? Hmmmmmm. There will be some recipe investigation on that one for sure.), some gravy (I love gravy!), some black bean soup mix (MmMmMmmmm… perfect for fall weather), a silcon-lined hotpad to protect me while trying out all these new ingredients, some lovely silk-screened cards, the bestest smelling rosemary-mint soap, and two necklaces — which I tried on immediately, of course:

Thank you Amelia from Georgia!

(I wish I knew which of the 117 websites was yours, so I could give you proper credit for this by linking to you 🙂 and, I confess, I’m also curious to learn a little more about the person who sent this lovely stuff my way.

And thank you, too, to Stephanie over at Dispensing Happiness for coordinating a fun blogging event like this! Check out the other folks who participated, if you have time and/or are curious.

Kitten #5 — BABY

My aunt has some kittens available for adoption around Thanksgiving. If you are interested, leave a comment here and i will hook you up with adorableness 🙂

Baby – this littlest kitten is an orange male, with unique circular tiger stripes on each side. He loves to be petted, even upside down, and is a real comfort hog. The sunniest, warmest spot is best, in his opinion. This is one special kitty looking for a special home.

Kitten #4 — BUTLER

My aunt has some kittens available for adoption around Thanksgiving. If you are interested, leave a comment here and i will hook you up with adorableness 🙂

Butler – this little female is also a calico, but has the distinctive white bib and a white tip on her tail. Butler loves to run and play with her litter mates. She is definitely a long hair kitty, and has very wise eyes.