Last night I worked on metal projects. Filing, sanding, soldering. I realized that I’ve gotten sloppy and will be remedying that. I also realized that my metal working equipment needs to be consolidated, efficient-ized, and I for sure need a ventilation hood for the soldering station. That stuff is pretty strong when not properly ventilated.
Day 7 — playing with a laminator
Tuesday I finally made those plant tags I was talking about to attach to some contested plants in my backyard. These are now attached to the plants in question:

After finishing those I decided to play with some collage and laminate it…. unfortunately, I learned the hard way that two layers of cardboard going through my laminator = pain, sadness, broken things, and much much much pulling to get things unstuck. Here’s all that’s left:

(Luckily, I had some awesome help to get this unstuck from the machine. I do believe that the machine works again, too.)
Day 6 — I like dots (and squares and pointalism)
Day 5 — more painting
No picture today. This morning I started working on fixing up (yet another) half-finished painting. Still acrylic. I’ll be trying out the oils later this week, I think.
Speaking of paint……
I went to visit a friend yesterday morning and on the way back from brunch, asked to stop at a thrift store….. turns out that they were having a special event where everything was half off, and so we discovered….

I scored big and got these 28 tubes of that oil-hybrid paint (the stuff that you can thin/clean up with plain water, but somehow is still an oil paint) paint for just $12.50!!!! AWESOME.
Day 4 — More doodling in paint
Day 3 — acrylic doodling
Started out like this (long forgotten annoying painting in a pile somewhere):

Then between Day 1 and this morning went to this (which I found too busy and still annoying and even a little bit embarrassing to post)

And at lunchtime I brought out a little paint to tone it down:

4″ x 6″
Still not my favorite, but I will grudgingly admit some improvement. NON-grudgingly, I will admit to being pretty darn cheery that I got my paints out in the middle of the day for a sanctioned break
Day 2 — copper stuff
The beginnings of some jewelry….

…..and I think I broke my tool stupid cheap-o steel combo tool :[ Turns out that the inner screwy bits weren’t strong enough to withstand the torque and I believe a small portion of the inside is stripped on one side. doh.

Hopefully still useable on thinner gauges…. we’ll see tomorrow, I guess.
Day 1 — Latvian Graffiti
Last night I spent a solid 90 minutes working on a secret metal project (reveal coming in Feb) and then went on to painting just because I enjoy painting. That being said, I think I need to start out with a better idea of what I want to end up with the next time I paint to me, this just looks kinda messy. BUT! it was fun. I intended to wake up early this morning to paint before work, buuuuuut….. multiple snooze happened instead.

Latvian Graffiti
8″ x 10″
Art Every Day Month
Inspired by friends who are participating in NaNoWriMo, I decided to see if anything similar, but more in my own line of hobbies existed…. and it does! Here’s someone who’s been doing Art Every Day Month for 9 years!

I’m #328.
I’ve actually been playing around with this idea for most of this year. In January, my mom sent me a link to a blog/person who had decided to make 2011 the year of the ring, and set a goal of making one ring every day for a year as an exercise in creativity. I was intrigued and in many ways wanted to try something like that for myself, but also scared. A whole year of promising to create something every day??!? That sounded CRAZY. Especially since at the time I was traveling more often for work, traveling for fun, and was spending more time than I care to admit working in general (heh – perhaps working a lot to help avoid facing personal life mess, too).
In the past six months I’ve changed a lot of things. Fixed a lot of things. Gotten rid of people who weren’t kind to me. Etc. Now, one month I can do. So. Here we go.