Glass Fish

This year, for the first time ever, I participated in a glass magless exchange (technically “magnets” but since everyone would have had to pay extra shipping costs if everyone glued magnets on to the back of their work, we all skipped the “glue magnet on” step and hence then name “magless”).

I made fish.

One heckuva LOT of fish:

Rainbow snake!

In March, I made two stuffed animals for a dear friend’s baby mobile….. these are the only pictures I took, though, so you folks might not get to see the green bat/owl/monster that also went to her house.

Four more stone settings

Man. I have to work on polishing these, but I figured I’d post a picture anyway — even if it *is* dirty. This brings my total up to 16. Thirty-four more to go….

12 bezel settings

Thirty-eight more to go….. The I get to install a solar tube in my kitchen! By the way, i made all of the cabs used in these pendants and earrings, too. They’re glass. Some are dichroic and the striped ones were just a neat technique I learned about earlier this year.

Bench in progress…..

Someone mentioned that they’re tired of looking at that picture from November AND ps, it’s been nearly five months since I’ve updated this blog. So. Here goes an attempt to get back in the swing of sharing things that I’m working on…. Because there’s been a lot of new stuff going on 🙂