Notice that in the original sketch (sketched during a mandatory 4 hour work meeting, of course i ran out of light to finish the rt-hand border – they dimmed the entire auditorium for the last hour and a half or so) the border was much bigger…. I couldn’t find any linoleum locally that was the right size to make this happen. What you see here is the biggest piece i could find (6.75″ x 11″) …….. plus i realized that I’m so out of practice with my linoleum/wood carving skillz that I needed some practice before trying to create intricate details:
Ummmm… i got sidetracked… i was going to do the entire 26 print edition tonight, but…. it’s already almost 11pm. i guess i’ll do it later this week. So far, I have 3. The plastic sleeves haven’t arrived in the mail yet, anyway, and I still have to write a (small) something or other to send in along with the prints, too. ugh.
What I’m trying to decide is whether to:
A) add background color? (if yes, what ones?)
B) vary the print color – either via ink changes or paper changes? (is it kosher to vary the ink color i use w/in an edition? I think I may get tired of printing entirely in black on very white paper by the end of the run….)
C) I could just start working on those other blocks, since in a moment of crazed internet use ala Gerald inspriation I ordered a bajillion of them….
Awesome! I love the angry owl. I think you should’ve added a few words from the original work handout for authenticity’s sake
I don’t know about the kosher-ness of switching ink colors during a run, but if you can, I think the tree/owl would look good as both midnight blue on stark white and brown on cream.
Cool! I want a print! I like hum-pokes.