Round 1…. I was tryign to use warm colors (reds, oranges and yellows)… and… I decided I don’t really enjoy the orange effect I was getting this afternoon. I’ve put orange away for now.
Then I took a small break and here are the results of Round 2… in round two i selected a whole different set of colors out of the box… which (since they came from some random guy near Milwaukee) I have no idea what colors are supposed to turn out like what or if they are the kind of color that needs an oxidizing flame or a reducing flame, so…. the results of my playing with hot glass are likely to be pretty hit-or-miss until I figure out what’s what in the box of glass wonders I do quite like the ‘celestial’ effects I achieved in Round 2… coming up this week? attempting to repeat an “effect” or a “design” in roughly the same size as each other… wish me luck.
Oooh, the last ones are cool – celestial or something. I actually kind of like the second one with the orange – the one with orange and red. Maybe it looks a little off when you pair it with the blue.
I want one!
These are fabulous!