Steve’s funky magnet

Playing around with some liquid glass = surprise bubbles!

I thinkthis kind of looks like a seahorse…. butif you turn it up-side-down, it looks like a very stylized Ganesh head. (note to my readers – no, I don’t actually particularly like these colors together, but sometimes a person has to try new stuff out just to see what it might look like 😛

Not all fusing ends in success

Attempt at capturing dried stuff inthe middle of glass….. ends up in blah & bubbled-blah:

Actually – the bubbled one looks rather cool up close — but sadly there’s not really much I can do with somethign this fragile (and lumpy):

Not so great “before & after” of fusing

Steve wanted to see before & after of the kiln shot below…. welll….. turns out I’m not always good at remembering the “after” photo shoot…..


AFTER (look in the upper right-hand corner — you can see one full size square from the above “before” shot and lots of little pieces of “after after” where I ended up breaking up the fused pieces & melting them again to be smaller):

Mostly I’m just playing around with what I have to see what I might come up with…. so far, I gots nothin’………..

Warm glass

Every so often, I decide that I want to play with glass fusing (on a very small scale):

Glass Vessels

I took a fun class the other weekend. Here are the results. Now I really wish it were warmer out because I want to go out in my garage and play with hot glass….

Catching up with October – 6 of 8

These were not made in October (I haven’t fired up any hot glass stuff in many months) but I photographed them in October…. who knows what I had been planning to do with the pendants *or* this picture, but here you go. Here’s a pile-o-pendants that lives at my house…. photographed in october: