Reflectors as art

After many years of folks complaining they can never remember where to turn in to my house, I put some reflectors up on one of the trees next to my driveway. This is a variation of the Latvian symbol for good luck (Laimes zīme):


Laimes Zime Koka

What I didn’t realize is just how happy it makes me to drive past this. Day or night, sun or rain, this thing makes me grin.  The next step is to repeat this on the other tree across the way, so that my place is easy to find from either direction.

A blast from the past!

This is a paper mache lion I made for a long long ago NYE party in Milwaukee.  I liked him enough to drag him through several apartments and all the way to this current house of mine… sadly, he’d become mouse-eaten and tattered enough that I had to say goodbye to him earlier this summer.  BUT, not before I took some pictures!

Partial Quilt

Before assembling the four panels:

After assembling the four panels, but before attaching a border:

I’m waiting for this to come back from a lady who is machine quilting it for me. It’s really hard not to send the lady weekly inquiries about the progress on this thing 🙂 I’m super excited to get it back, even though it means I will have some 40+ feet of binding to make and sew on…… remind me again why I didn’t just have someone else do that for me, too?

VFW Craft Fair

Last weekend I was in a spur-of-the moment (like they called around 7pm the night before) craft fair. I met some nice people, didn’t sell much, and am super grateful to those friends who stopped by to hang out 🙂

2012 Dziesmu Svetki Milvokos

I guess I made enough stuff to fill a table 🙂 I almost even look a little professional, if I do say so myself.

I was at Milwaukee’s Latvian Song & Dance Festival from July 4 – 8. This year I was selling sandblasted glassware, jewelry, decorative switchplates, and lino printed cards. My mom had the table next to me, which was fun 🙂 Now slowly moving onto (what feels like a monumental task) photographing jewelry and other items to post up for sale on Etsy.

Glass Fish

This year, for the first time ever, I participated in a glass magless exchange (technically “magnets” but since everyone would have had to pay extra shipping costs if everyone glued magnets on to the back of their work, we all skipped the “glue magnet on” step and hence then name “magless”).

I made fish.

One heckuva LOT of fish:

Rainbow snake!

In March, I made two stuffed animals for a dear friend’s baby mobile….. these are the only pictures I took, though, so you folks might not get to see the green bat/owl/monster that also went to her house.