Here’s another new pendant finished during last weekend’s efforts:

I’m definitely excited to take more of my doodles from work notebooks and turn them in to something I can hold in my hand. (or rather, wear as jewelry!)
a work in progress….
I finally sat down to play with metal and fire this weekend and here’s what came out!
Very plain. Very simple. But still pretty. AND confidence boosting. I finished it in far less time than I’d expected AND now i have several more studio-type things set up and ready to use! (most notably: my buffer is up and running!)
This weekend I:
The only picture from this yesterday’s projects worth showing is….
This weekend the shift from flourescent to incandescent began!
(finally. this is only 3.5 years “in the making”)
With D’s help, not only does my basement bar now have 4 recessed lights rather than 2 gosh-awful, flickering flourescent lights…… but the “fear of” electricity has been shifted towards “healthy respect for” electricity. yay!
The ceiling tiles still need to be cut to fit around the new lights and trim will be put up, but I’m closer than ever before!!!
*by soon I mean in the next 3 or 4 weeks/months/years… don’t get your hopes up just yet
Here’s the first silverwork I’ve done in all of 2007 that required use of a torch. yay! Torchwork is lots and lots and lots of fun! Next time, though, I’m going to prepare stuff at home so that I’m ready to play with fire the moment I step in to the studio
(note that I probably won’t make it back to that studio until some time in January… *sigh*)