Day 3 — acrylic doodling

Started out like this (long forgotten annoying painting in a pile somewhere):

Then between Day 1 and this morning went to this (which I found too busy and still annoying and even a little bit embarrassing to post)

And at lunchtime I brought out a little paint to tone it down:

4″ x 6″

Still not my favorite, but I will grudgingly admit some improvement. NON-grudgingly, I will admit to being pretty darn cheery that I got my paints out in the middle of the day for a sanctioned break 🙂

Day 1 — Latvian Graffiti

Last night I spent a solid 90 minutes working on a secret metal project (reveal coming in Feb) and then went on to painting just because I enjoy painting. That being said, I think I need to start out with a better idea of what I want to end up with the next time I paint 😉 to me, this just looks kinda messy. BUT! it was fun. I intended to wake up early this morning to paint before work, buuuuuut….. multiple snooze happened instead.

Latvian Graffiti
8″ x 10″

Green swirl

Some time ago Steve gave me a set of three tiny little canvases. I painted two right away. Liked one ok, didn’t like the second one. This is the second one after another (thick!) coat of paint. I like it much better now!

Now to figure out how to frame/hang it somewhere. AND to find the first one — where did it go? NO idea. But I’ll find it eventually as I put my upstairs studio in order.

slowly painting again

I got the urge to paint again the other week. I wanted to do something big to put in my bedroom & inspire me to take down those wall shelves I’ve been staring at for the last 5 years. 3′ x 4′ should do it, I thought ….. and set out to buy all the supplies needed to build & stretch my own canvas ….. sadly, I didn’t think abuot staples and ‘lo and behold, I ran out of staples not even half-way through the construction part ….. and, well ….. since I was determined to paint SOMEthing that day I went down in to my basement & dug up a (holy cow coincidence – it’s exactly the size i was looking for) painting that I’d started in high school, never really finished, never really liked & had been sitting down in the dungeon for so long I figured it couldn’t be too terrible to paint over it at this point right? right.

Here’s the outcome:

Not what I’d envisioned (neither colors nor style) but it’s nice enough. Note that I did take a picture of the high school painting for posterity just in case I was sad to lose it. Turns out that this is a vast improvement.

Some tile-in-progress photos I found this morning….

Lindsay painting “Pig in Space” on my kitchen table:

Me on the kitchen floor with some oh-so-helpful helper looking for attention:

After installing the recessed lights, the tiles that went around the lights had to be painted “Sistine Chapel” style… while they were actually in the ceiling: