Basement Bar Ceiling Transition

And finally….. here’s the main transition from a flourescent bar with a white ceiling…… to a recessed light, painted ceiling!

At this point the lights are fully enclosed with the ceiling tile & only 3 panels remain unpainted. Up close individual ceiling tile shots to follow over the course of the next week or so.

What to do with leftover red paint?

Here’s what happened after working on Dan’s painting… someone may have possibly gotten a little enthusiastic with the amount of red paint she squeezed out and didn’t want to just throw it away…. so here are 3 views of an unfinished painting…. it’s starting to (almost) look like a patchwork flower that’s unraveling. Right now, though, it’s floating in space and definitely looks unfinished, so you only get to see these three close-ups.

Dan’s paintings

I’m still debating whether or not to straighten out the red line….and also whether or not to post the original pictures he sent me so y’all can see how i slightly changed the style….it maybe might have gotten a little boring trying to paint all ‘smooth’ so i dropped that idea and became more textured… *I* like it… now let’s see if the recipient likes it….

These two paintings need your help…

There’s something missing from both of them and I’ve had no luck figuring out what it is… I’m sure I could just sit down with paint and ‘doodle’ but there’s a good chance that if I do that I’ll end up massively changing the ‘feel’ or the ‘look’ of the painting to the point where it won’t be recognizable as what I’m showing here right now… thoughts? ideas? suggestions?