Seen on a local walk around the block, these guys made me pause and smile

a work in progress….
Notice the new tile floor & new cabinetry in the background of this photo. Yup. I still LOVE my new kitchen…. now to put the moulding back up one of these days…..
Flowers cut from my backyard:
Flowers for to spruce up my kitchen/dining room table:
(yes – in the background that is a small kiln you see that lived in my kitchen for a couple of weeks
B and I discovered a new vegetable at a local pick-your-own veggie farm — cucuzzi squash! They’re most commonly found in Indian cooking, we think, though (with the help of my mom) have found italian and korean and some other recipes for them, too.
They have nifty looking flowers and many fun squiggly vines
I try to keep an eye out for mannequin parts for a friend of mine who likes to play with photography that involve body parts-n-such-stuff…. so far I’ve passed up a $1 Michael Jackson mannequin at an auction last summer (sad, I know — i still think of him as “the one who got away” as this was right nearby in deerfield!!) …. i also passed by a set of small children mannequins in Ventura, CA (only $30 each!)because I couldn’t figure out how to get them home with me on a plane (small child-like mannequin in suitcase? creepy. small child-like mannequin in overhead compartment? also creepy. both very good stories buuuuuut…… it was determined a no-go mostly because they wouldn’t fit in my suitcase and I wasn’t going to have time to buy a suitcase after 5pm on a saturday when my flight was leaving at 6am the next morning. i also wasn’t sure i could convince my old roommate to send them in the mail. opening a big box to find two children in it? also creepy but fun!
ANYWAY. FINALLY this summer i located a body part that was w/in her price range, w/in a reasonable distance from my house, and better yet —- going on sale for 30% off on Sunday! so finally finally finally I got a body part for her and it rode around in the backset of my car looking like this: