Inspired by Paul R’s drawrings!
Scarecrow by Laima’s mom
How COOL is this!!?!
I love it!
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My mom just sent me these pictures of her latest scarecrow. possibly her only scarelady. I’m not sure. I’ll have to ask I say “her latest” scarecrow as if she makes it a point to make them. she doesn’t even like them particularly much. I think she may have made it to enter some contest. ok. i just proved that i wasn’t really listening. hmmm. i plead this: i was far too excited about the brand new digital camera i just bought tonight!!!! 12x optical zoom – how cool is that!!?! i can’t wait to post more pictures of projects. Look again on Sunday/Monday night since the camera doesn’t arrive until Friday…
cement mushrooms!
Garden monsters?
These were harder to make than the other cement sculptures because the partly set cement was all crumbly which made me have to keep changing my design to make up for ears and eyebrows and eyeballs that crumbled off as I tried to shape them.
As of last night, I think I finally figured out WHY the cement was acting differently…. I forgot to close my bag of portland cement all the way, so I *think* that the integrity of the cement was compromised by all the water the portland cement had absorbed from the air… especially considering the large amounts of rain we’ve had in the last few weeks… now i don’t know what to do with my half empty, but slightly damp bag of portland cememnt… any ideas?
Garden critters…. part 2
cement scupting – the first two attempts
On driftwood and garden sculptures…
Here’s some interesting stuff that *I* would like to be able to do with driftwood… but it would just create more and more piles of *stuff* in my yard/garage/living room. That being said.. there are garden sculptures in my future… i have the portland cement… i have the vermiculite… i have ‘spare’ wood for making molds… i have oodles of tools for sculpting and shaping… and i also have oodles of materials for finishing the surfaces of said sculptures…
also… light switch cover photographs coming soon… i need to figure out how to do some nifty html formatting, but if i can’t figure it out by tomorrow, i may just post them ‘normally’…