oh man, I am not up-to-speed on this blog. I keep promising people weekly updates and I haven’t even updated the sidebar to show May intentions and May is practically over. I have many pictures just waiting to be cropped & FTP’d and posted up here…. it’s just a matter of making myself come inside to do it. This kind of makes me want to invest in a laptop so I can sit outside & do this stuff. Think that would work?
holy cow…. I’m the “Artist of the Month” over at Four Oceans Press in California.
paint art from the hotel…. take 1
On recent titles….
In case you were wondering…. no, I haven’t turned in to one of those conceptual art people who fill the MFA programs these days…. I’m vaguely, occasionally working on ways to make it look like I might be conceptual without actually putting too much thought/effort in to it…. or perhaps making a little fun of the folks who try so hard to be obscure/deep/whatever…. check it out: All of those titles for my most recent prints were found by hitting the “Random Search” button on wikipedia rockin’! There’s only one that I changed because I thought the idea of a “freetrog” was much more interesting than a “treefrog” (no offense to any frog loving people who I know read this blog
Here are links to the articles, in case you are bored & want to read more about them:
What’s missing? Opinions, plz.
I have some 28-odd half-finished prints spread out all over my art room. They look more-or-less like the image on the right side of this photo. Now I need opinions from my loyal readers: What would make the image on the RIGHT look complete, wanting for nothing?
The image on the left is a trial print (i guess you might call it a proof) that I think has potential. If I decided to go with a variation of the left side, I would move the snowflakes up a bit and perhaps block out 1 or 2 of them so that the figure isn’t obscured… or maybe rotate the snowflakes? Hmmmmm….
You have approximately 20 hours to get your opinions in.
I want to be done printing all of them tomorrow night so that they can dry overnight, I can crop & package them on Thursday, and put them in the mail on Friday.
Hmmmmm….. it really *does* feel like google is taking over the world…. but I’ve switched…. so far so good…. I guess….
Sterling silver earrings with swarovski crystal
Re-Store and Recycle — Earth Day 2006
Tomorrow is an earth day festival at a local Habitat for Humanities Re-Store. I will be there, pretending to be a recycle artist. Noon – 4pm. The ‘pretending’ is there for the word ‘artist’. Apparently i still have issues with beign called an artist. A good half of the things i make/do are in fact recycled. it’s much more fun to be given boundaries and make it into a game to see how crazy/fun/beautiful/useful/outrageous/interesting you can make something within some pre-determined framework. Variations on a theme can be very satisfying. In the last 4 days I’ve made an extra 8 light switch covers and a couple of pairs of earrings in a new style (thicker wire, better designs). If I had more energy I’d post pictures. Maybe tomorrow.
(I’ve figured out one of the reasons that I’m not so fond of blogspot… it only haphazardly sends me comments! arg. Maybe i did something wrong in my setup…. I’ll have to investigate and maybe change the look of this page while I’m at it…. just because i can.)
EDIT: it was my setup, somehow the “email comments to” field had been cleared out. hmmm. interesting. it’s been fixed now
I’ve been noticing that I’m not very good at keeping several blogs up-to-date…
anyway… let’s try this whole posting pictures thing again….
here’s what I did last weekend:
(although this is not a picture of me — if the person who is in this picture wants me to, I can take them out of my post – but that would require actually *looking* at my blog ;-p)
in other news… the kittens are getting bigger and bigger….. and wow is formatting stuff on blogspot hard for some reason… i’ve had to edit this 4 times to get it to look *kind of * how I meant it to look… arg…. ok… that just means i have to update more and practice… so… maybe next week I’ll try this again…