oh man, I am not up-to-speed on this blog. I keep promising people weekly updates and I haven’t even updated the sidebar to show May intentions and May is practically over. I have many pictures just waiting to be cropped & FTP’d and posted up here…. it’s just a matter of making myself come inside to do it. This kind of makes me want to invest in a laptop so I can sit outside & do this stuff. Think that would work?

On recent titles….

In case you were wondering…. no, I haven’t turned in to one of those conceptual art people who fill the MFA programs these days…. I’m vaguely, occasionally working on ways to make it look like I might be conceptual without actually putting too much thought/effort in to it…. or perhaps making a little fun of the folks who try so hard to be obscure/deep/whatever…. check it out: All of those titles for my most recent prints were found by hitting the “Random Search” button on wikipedia 🙂 rockin’! There’s only one that I changed because I thought the idea of a “freetrog” was much more interesting than a “treefrog” (no offense to any frog loving people who I know read this blog 😉

Here are links to the articles, in case you are bored & want to read more about them:

  1. ESILV
  2. White Guard
  3. Lemon ice box pie
  4. Hispaniolan Giant Treefrog
  5. Sheffield urban area

What’s missing? Opinions, plz.

I have some 28-odd half-finished prints spread out all over my art room. They look more-or-less like the image on the right side of this photo. Now I need opinions from my loyal readers: What would make the image on the RIGHT look complete, wanting for nothing?

The image on the left is a trial print (i guess you might call it a proof) that I think has potential. If I decided to go with a variation of the left side, I would move the snowflakes up a bit and perhaps block out 1 or 2 of them so that the figure isn’t obscured… or maybe rotate the snowflakes? Hmmmmm….

You have approximately 20 hours to get your opinions in.

I want to be done printing all of them tomorrow night so that they can dry overnight, I can crop & package them on Thursday, and put them in the mail on Friday.

Hmmmmm….. it really *does* feel like google is taking over the world…. but I’ve switched…. so far so good…. I guess….

Re-Store and Recycle — Earth Day 2006

Tomorrow is an earth day festival at a local Habitat for Humanities Re-Store. I will be there, pretending to be a recycle artist. Noon – 4pm. The ‘pretending’ is there for the word ‘artist’. Apparently i still have issues with beign called an artist. A good half of the things i make/do are in fact recycled. it’s much more fun to be given boundaries and make it into a game to see how crazy/fun/beautiful/useful/outrageous/interesting you can make something within some pre-determined framework. Variations on a theme can be very satisfying. In the last 4 days I’ve made an extra 8 light switch covers and a couple of pairs of earrings in a new style (thicker wire, better designs). If I had more energy I’d post pictures. Maybe tomorrow.

(I’ve figured out one of the reasons that I’m not so fond of blogspot… it only haphazardly sends me comments! arg. Maybe i did something wrong in my setup…. I’ll have to investigate and maybe change the look of this page while I’m at it…. just because i can.)

EDIT: it was my setup, somehow the “email comments to” field had been cleared out. hmmm. interesting. it’s been fixed now 🙂

I’ve been noticing that I’m not very good at keeping several blogs up-to-date…

anyway… let’s try this whole posting pictures thing again….

here’s what I did last weekend:

(although this is not a picture of me — if the person who is in this picture wants me to, I can take them out of my post – but that would require actually *looking* at my blog ;-p)

in other news… the kittens are getting bigger and bigger….. and wow is formatting stuff on blogspot hard for some reason… i’ve had to edit this 4 times to get it to look *kind of * how I meant it to look… arg…. ok… that just means i have to update more and practice… so… maybe next week I’ll try this again…