I have some 28-odd half-finished prints spread out all over my art room. They look more-or-less like the image on the right side of this photo. Now I need opinions from my loyal readers: What would make the image on the RIGHT look complete, wanting for nothing?
The image on the left is a trial print (i guess you might call it a proof) that I think has potential. If I decided to go with a variation of the left side, I would move the snowflakes up a bit and perhaps block out 1 or 2 of them so that the figure isn’t obscured… or maybe rotate the snowflakes? Hmmmmm….
You have approximately 20 hours to get your opinions in.
I want to be done printing all of them tomorrow night so that they can dry overnight, I can crop & package them on Thursday, and put them in the mail on Friday.
Agree that the left one needs to have a couple snowflakes taken out, esp. the one over the dude in the bottom left corner. I like the one on the right. Is it daytime or nighttime? If its nightime a silver quarter-moon at a wonky angle might look cool to fill out some sky space.
I LOVE that the snowflakes obscure the figure! It’s more 3D – it’s like that snowflake is right in front of my face! I wouldn’t change a thing.
I don’t know what the one on the right needs? Maybe another tree or figure next to the tree? just a lot of white space in the middle with the tree so far to the right.
you know… I’m not sure that the peopel I’ve talked to “get” that the one on the left one is exactly the same as the one on the right…
all that makes them different are the bigger snowflakes that I added on top of the left one….
I agree with “loud”–the snowflakes in the foreground are KEY. It doesn’t need anything except…to look like the one on the left
Hey, I know I am creepily obsessed with your prints, but is there any way I could buy one of these. I keep thinking about it. must mean I need one.
and it will be perfect in my spare bedroom.